Ultimate Multimedia Consult Releases Reports on Refugees and Telecoms Media Presence & Coverage

Ultimate Multimedia Consult Releases Reports on Refugees and Telecoms Media Presence & Coverage

A research report produced by Ultimate Multimedia Consult indicated The New Vision covered the most stories on Refugees followed by The Daily Monitor, The Observer and Bukedde. From May to December 2018 a total of 377 stories were written by all Newspapers with male authors dominating most stories which is contrary to the most affected community in Refugee coverage who are women. Majority of the stories covered the Bidi Bidi refugee settlement which harbors refugees from South Sudan, which was closely followed by Kyangwali settlement in Western Uganda.

The report was launched at the Media Challenge Expo on November 16th at Mackinon Suites Kamapala, which was under the theme “Re framing Refugee Stories” and was presented by Media Consultant Gerald Businge Ateenyi. The report also highlighted United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Office of The Prime Minister and UNICEF as the most mentioned organisations in Refugee reporting. Download link to the report 

Shifting direction to another area, a research report was produced on how Telecoms in Uganda Communicate and their media presence. A total of 359 stories were published by newspapers with The New Vision having majority stories at 43.73% followed by Bukedde at 29.5%. MTN Uganda was the most covered telecom followed by Airtel Uganda, Africell and UTL respectively. It should also be noted that MTN also received the highest coverage on online sites at 39.34%.

Citing the use of visuals by the different telecom companies in their online publications and presence, MTN Uganda registered the highest number of use of visuals followed by Airtel, UTL and Africell respectively. Visuals are a huge component especially in online visibility and reach of messages. The report also highlighted the major topics that were covered by each telecom and how much prominence was given to different areas within their space of operation. Download link to the report

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