What led to Kemirembe Ronah's victory as Nkumba University Guild President

What led to Kemirembe Ronah's victory as Nkumba University Guild President
Kemirembe Ronah (R) is the 3rd female guild president of Nkumba University.
Kemirembe Ronah (R) is the 3rd female guild president of Nkumba University.

Kemirembe Ronah is the new guild president of Nkumba university. The 25 year old student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in procurement and logistics management scooped 275 votes to defeat 7 other contestants.

Nkumba university students voted their new guild leaders on Saturday 11th April 2015.

Campus Times’ Denis Bakampemukira brings you highlights of what contributed to Kemirembe’ victory as the third female Guild President of Nkumba University.

She prepared a football tournament; The tall medium bodied girl organized a football competition for inter-schools where a winner walked away with a goat. This is believed to have earned her support of those who saw her as a social oriented leader. She also bought Ludo for Tripat Hostel.

Haruna’s influence; Nsibuka Harunah the former Guild Prime minister in the outgoing Guild Government smoothed her chances of winning; Harunah is known for his good mobilization skills that he employed to vigorously campaign for Kemirembe.  This very man did a great job that saw Byarugaba Julius in power in 2014.

Divisions among her opponents; As the saying goes that “united we stand…”Ronah’s team was united unlike her opponents. She used the advantage of the divisions within NRM and FDC student camps to walk away with the majority votes. Say Twesighye Nickson and Mpuga Enock hailed from the same party (NRM) just as Walusansa, Ivan and Nabatanzi were all from FDC.

Kemirembe Ronah, Nkumba University Guild President elect.
Kemirembe Ronah, Nkumba University Guild President elect.

Petty facilitation; Kemirembe was loved by many Nkumba university students because she sponsored most activities at campus and also used to give solid cash to students’ associations hence becoming a darling to many.

Strong and united campaign team. She surrounded herself with competent and reliable campaign managers who were grounded at every corner of the university. In relation to the above, her strong manifesto stood out of the crowd.

RELATED STORY: Nkumba University gets 3rd Female Guild President – Kemirembe Ronah

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2 Responses to "What led to Kemirembe Ronah's victory as Nkumba University Guild President"

  1. Apollo John on Facebook   April 12, 2015 at 11:47 pm


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  2. Apollo John on Facebook   April 12, 2015 at 11:47 pm


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