Nkumba University freshers taken up by Kimansulo dancer at trade bazaar

Nkumba University freshers taken up by Kimansulo dancer at trade bazaar
A dancer shows off her goodies at Nkumba University trade bazaar
A dancer shows off her goodies at Nkumba University trade bazaar

The new students were shocked about campus life after a merciless dancer at Nkumba university trade bazaar exposed her natural goodies.  This was witnessed last night when a fresher in a skimpy dress jumped on stage and danced herself almost naked, a thing which most revelers termed it as ‘silly’.

They all pulled out their phone cameras to take the best shot of the day
They all pulled out their phone cameras to take the best shot of the day

At around 11:PM, the girl’s name which could not be identified but pursing a Bachelors in Information Technology (IT) left many onlookers especially guys were seen trying to get a share of her using their cameras on phones while others engulfed her from the stage wanting to scoop her goodies using their fingers.

This is not the only fresher who exposed her character to whoever bothered to listen or see. Many new students especially girls have also revealed this behavior when it comes to dancing and possibly partying.

On lookers could not even blink
On lookers could not even blink

Most students tagged her as bold and brave enough to adapt to the university environment. “That girl is strong hearted, I think she will manage campus life.”  a student confessed.

While the other students had mixed feeling about what they had just seen live. “She is dancing kimansulo (strip dance) she is even a waste to her parents.”Noris Okello 3rd year IT said.


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