26 Universities Risk Closure over Expired Licences

26 Universities Risk Closure over Expired Licences

The universities received a warning from the council yesterday imploring them to renew their licences with in a period of one year or stand to be closed.

Other 11 Universities had their license reaching the expiry date and majority operating without the statutory charter.

According to the director of quality assurance and accreditation at NCHE, Dr Pamela Tibihikirra-Kalyegira, for a university to attain a charter, it should admit qualified students for specific programmes, have all their programmes accredited, have good facilities, PhD staff and should also conduct research and community services.

Only 18 out of 53 universities across Uganda have attained statutory charters.

Dr Tibihikirra also said the universities that will miss the deadline will either be merged, closed or be turned into vocational institutions.

Some of the Universities operating with provisional licenses
1. Africa Renewal University 2013
2. African Bible University 2015
3. African Rural University 2011
5. Ankole Western University 2008
6. Avance International University 2016
7. Cavendish University 2018
8. Clarke International University 2008
9 Ibanda University 2014
11. International Business, Science & Technology (ISBAT) University 2011
12. International University of East Africa 2010
13. Islamic Call University College 2011
14. Kayiwa International University 2015
15. Kumi University 2004
16. Livingstone International University 2011
17. Metropolitan International University (MIU)2011
18. Muteesa I Royal University 2007
19. Nile University 2018
20. Nsaka University 2013
22. St. Lawrence University2007
25. Uganda Pentecostal University 2005
26. University of Kisubi 2009
(Source NCHE)

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