What to do when You Suspect Your Boyfriend Might be Cheating

What to do when You Suspect Your Boyfriend Might be Cheating

Connection Coach and motivational speaker Jonathan Sprinkles at length gives advise about cheating. Jonathan is an award-winning national speaker and author; his message is simple: connect with the success and lifestyle you deserve. His personal development company, Sprinklisms, aims to empower people to exceed their own belief about their potential.

Here is what he had for the people who might be suspecting their lovers to be cheaters.

Sometimes, suspicions of being cheated on stem from past relationships or personal insecurities.

Before you take any action, you need to first do a self-assessment and make sure you aren’t being petty or overly-sensitive. In situations such as these, your feelings can betray you if you don’t keep them in check.

Next, write down your thoughts as well as the facts. This will help you articulate your feelings completely and think through the entire chain of events. It will also provide a buffer between your emotions and your actions.

Finally, seek wise counsel. Talk to an unbiased third party such as a level-headed friend, a spiritual advisor/religious leader, or even a parent. Only solicit those who will tell you the truth and are unafraid to tell you whether your concerns are legitimate or that you’re being paranoid.

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