African researchers can apply for VW Call for Pre-Proposals for Postdoc Fellowships

African researchers can apply for VW Call for Pre-Proposals for Postdoc Fellowships

The Volkswagen Foundation’s funding initiative “Knowledge for Tomorrow – Cooperative Research Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa” aims at providing sustainable support for research and research capacity development in Sub-Saharan Africa.

This funding scheme represents a fundamental career development strategy for African researchers, as it provides promising postdoctoral researchers based in Africa with opportunities to enhance both their skills and academic qualifications; ultimately, it enables them to establish professional perspectives in academia.

This is to be achieved in cooperation between African and German scholars, as any postdoctoral project funded under this scheme needs to be carried out in collaboration with a German partner institute as well as further partners.

Through this African-German cooperation, the initiative aims to support the development and extension of academic networks within, and beyond the African Continent.

Thematic Scope
The call is open to applications from the Engineering Sciences. Only researchers who are based in, or wish to return to, Sub-Saharan African countries are eligible to apply. Furthermore, the Foundation expects that the applied projects are a clear advancement of the applicant’s Ph.D. work.

Deadline for submitting Pre-Proposals is September 5, 2014

Please see Downloads for full details

For more information please contact

Natural and Engineering Science, Medicine
Africa Initiative
Dr. Christoph Kolodziejski
Phone: +49 (0) 511 8381 276 Fax: +49 (0) 511 8381 4276
Kastanienallee 35
30519 Hannover Germany

Downloads and Essential Attachments:


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