I'm still the Guild President of Gulu University

I'm still the Guild President of Gulu University
Andrew Ogwetta Otto, Gulu university Guild elect 2014/ 15
Andrew Ogwetta Otto, Gulu university Guild elect 2014/ 15

With due respect to the letter/memo I received from both the Dean of Students and the returning officer regarding the petition that has a unreasonable impact on the starting of work of the new Gulu University guild government elect.

I’m still I my interim capacity feel I have concerns worth depositing to our attention as the Gulu university community which is addressed as hereunder;

1. I respect the fact that my brother Aligech George Ogwal Lapir has a right to petition but I doubt the reasoning in his two paged petition because in my humble opinion, it is unreasonable, fruitless only with an aim of embarrassing justice which has dully been granted to all candidates.

2. The petition is filled out of time yet the election roles had prescribed that petitions were to be brought within 24 hours after declaration of results. So we wonder whether our dear brother was blind as he received elections rules during nomination day.

3. The state at which Gulu University is needs an elected government t be given time to execute it’s contracts with the students. In liev of this, the office of the speaker has been elected, ministers have been fully constituted. In my opinion, it is time for work because the 8 months we are to have in office is now being counted.

With the above, we call for calm from the students but also to the tribunal, we humbly ask for a fair speedy and public hearing before an independent and impartial body in the interest of the students of Gulu University who are waiting for service from a government they dully elected.

Gulu University GUILD PRESIDENT ELECT 2014-2015

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