IUIU Rector receives Education Leadership Award

IUIU Rector receives Education Leadership Award
Rector Islamic University in Uganda, Dr. Ahmed Ssengendo
Rector Islamic University in Uganda, Dr. Ahmed Kawesa Sengendo

The Rector Islamic University in Uganda, Dr. Ahmad K. Sengendo recently received two awards in recognition for his contribution towards social economic transformation of society.

The awards are The Education Leadership Award 2013 and The Pearl of Africa Lifetime Achievement Award (PALITA AWARD) 2013.

The Education Leadership Award was given to him by The Philip Kotler Initiative for a Better World in collaboration with CMO Asia, World CSR Day & World Education Congress at the World Marketing Summit which took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 28th to 30th September, 2013.

In a letter signed by Dr R. L. Bhatia, the Director CMO Asia and Founder of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Day & Congress, addressed to the Rector, Islamic University in Uganda, Dr. Bhatia said. “On behalf of the Organizing team, I am extremely pleased to inform you that the Jury has decided to honour you with the EDUCATION LEADERSHIP AWARD. May I request you to confirm and graciously agree to accept the Award in Person and honour us with your presence”, Said the letter.

Besides the Education Leadership Award, Dr. Sengendo also received The Pearl of Africa Lifetime Achievement Award (PALITA AWARD) 2013 from Public Opinion Inc. This one also was in honour and appreciation of his contribution towards Socio-Economic transformation of Uganda and attainment of the United Nation Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Uganda.

The PALITA awarding ceremony which took place on October 18, 2013 at Imperial Royale Hotel in Kampala was presided over by the Prime Minister Rt. Hon. John Patrick Amama Mbabazi. In his speech, Hon. Mbabazi noted that it was important to honour and pay tribute to individuals who have worked tirelessly to the attainment of social transformation in Uganda. He urged both private and government agencies to work hand in hand for the attainment of MDGs. The United Nation Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are focused on eradication of extreme poverty and hunger; improving maternal health; combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; promoting gender equality and empowering women; achieving debt sustainability; reducing child mortality rates; ensuring environmental sustainability and developing a global partnership for development by 2015.
The Vice Rector, Academic Affairs Dr. Mouhamad Mpezamihigo received the award on behalf of the Rector. Present at the awards were the Chairman, Public Opinions Inc., H.E. Dr. Boney Katatumba and Gen. Pecos Kutesa the Consulting Patron, Public Opinions Inc. who emphasized the need to recognize people who excel while they are still alive.

While addressing the 212th University Executive Board Meeting, the Dr. Sengendo informed members of the board about the awards and urged them to work hard for the good of humanity. ?My message to you members is simple. Do what is expected of you the world will appreciate you no matter how long it takes?, the Rector said. Dr. Sengendo was also among the academicians who received medals during the celebrations to mark Uganda?s 51st Independence anniversary.

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