Meet Miss St. Lawrence University, Nalwoga Rebbecca who drives & earns big

Meet Miss St. Lawrence University, Nalwoga Rebbecca who drives & earns big
Miss St. Lawrence University, Nalwoga Rebbecca
Miss St. Lawrence University, Nalwoga Rebbecca

Born 22 years ago, Becky as she prefers to call herself (because she is urban) is a second year student at St. Lawrence University pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Art and Design.

Campus Times caught up with the extra ordinary Becky, driving at 22, self-employed and reaping big from trash with a dream of employing 25 people before she graduates!

This is a landmark to achieve. Every campuser would have such a dream, a dream of earning a few bucks before they graduate but only few fulfill such ambitions; Becky lies here.

She compliments her success with beauty, passion to work hard and innovativeness. Her hobbies rotate around creative new ideas and music.

Unlike other universities which hold beauty pageants, St. Lawrence University annually holds the Mr.  and Mrs Job Creator where the winner becomes the face of the university; representing it on various platforms. Such pageants give the community an opportunity to benefit from the winner.

The winner is chosen through a process involving 9 judges. Contestants present ideas on how to reap from available resources.

Nalwoga Rebbecca displaying some of her works at CBS PEWOSA expo in June 2015
Nalwoga Rebbecca displaying some of her works at CBS PEWOSA expo in June 2015

This is how Nalwoga Rebecca won the crown; she presented the best business proposal that required less investment with huge rewards.

“During my first year, I realized I had to take part in the pageant. I was inspired by the previous winners,” narrates Becky.

“My project was about up-recycling and recycling plastic and grass,” she adds.

Becky’s desire is not any normal campuser would embrace. Who would invade all the rubbish pits around campus, good looking in the name of collecting bottles? However, such to Becky are negative thoughts which she paid a deaf ear to. She decided to stand out and change trash into wealth.

“Now day’s people drop glass and used plastics, these objects block the drainage system and affect the environment. To help it (environment), pick up the bottles,” Becky points out to her source of motivation.

Apart from winning a car (Progress) and a certificate, Becky has benefited from her status. Fame, sponsorship, friends, recognition and a company are added to her name.

“I won Versatile Artists. I work with my friends. I have acquired business partners, customers, and jobs all because of my crown,” Becky quickly points out her achievements.

Becky and her friends convert trash to meaningful use by making jewelry, bags and other valuable items.
Becky and her friends convert trash to meaningful use by making jewelry, bags and other valuable items.

The C.EO adds that her company uses Egg shells, Cement papers, off-cuts and bottles to make jewelry, bags and other items. She labels this ‘converting trash to use.’  Her items sell for Ushs.5, 000-150,000/-.

Despite all the success, Becky’s life is not a straight line. She remembers the ridicule she faces trying to implement her idea.

She recalls how on lookers used to tell her ‘You are very young’ ‘You are so little, are you going to handle that?’ Her fellow contestants in the race always tried to despise her; ‘It was not her idea’ they said. This did not stop Becky from dreaming, she carried on her plans and now partly enjoying the fruits of her perseverance. She hopes to build on her organization once she completes school. Becky currently employs four other students but wants to have a workforce comprising of 25 workers.

Becky decries fellow campus girls who want ‘daddy’ to bring ‘stuff’. She advises them to stop wishing and start acting.

“Pick the bottles, Mrs. St. Lawrence University drives but picks them (bottles),” advises Becky. However she is quick to say that you don’t have to necessary pick the bottles, but implement your plan no matter how ridiculous it could be as long as it will add value to your life.

Becky’s message to those who want to start doing business is, ‘When you start picking money, you will always pick up more and more.’

Campus Times will soon bring you a profile of Mr. SLAU, Okodi Aaron.

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