Makerere University ladies basketball team disciplines St. Lawrence girls

Makerere University ladies basketball team disciplines St. Lawrence girls


Makerere University ladies basketball team beat St. Lawrence university girls  102 – 4 points.

The game kicked was played at 4:00pm at Makerere University basketball court on Tuesday 24th March 2015.

After 2 minutes of no points, the Makerere team became so furious since they are now being led by a guild tiger, David Bala Bwiruka, as the Guild President.

Results turned instantaneously which saw St.Lawrence Girls puffing until the end of the game.

What started as a simple game then, become a night mare on the side of St. Lawrence which had short girls compared to those of Makerere.

Anyango Winnie, Lubowa Stacey, and Daniela of Makerere University had a very wonderful game that saw the team beat St. Lawrence in their second Zuku League game after the first one on Saturday 21st March where they beat Islamic University in Uganda 74-12 points.

Makerere University ladies basketball team disciplines St. Lawrence girls
It was a tough game.
Makerere University ladies basketball team disciplines St. Lawrence girls
Makerere University ladies basketball team and St. Lawrence girls(Photos by Katumba Badru)
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