Meet Prof. John Tabuti an ethno botanist and researcher at Makerere university

Meet Prof. John Tabuti an ethno botanist and researcher at Makerere university
Meet Prof. John Tabuti an ethno botanist and researcher at Makerere university
Meet Prof. John Tabuti an ethno botanist and researcher at Makerere university

John Robert Stephen Tabuti is a Professor of Medicinal Plants, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University. He is an educator, ethno botanist and researcher. His ethno botanical research interests are aimed at identifying, promoting and conserving useful plant species.

He is principally interested in documenting plant use, and researching the effects of such use on the exploited plant populations. To understand the second aim, he is studying plant population structures and plant biology. Prof. Tabuti is Professor of Ethno botany and now lecturing in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

He has 16 years of teaching experience at University level. He quickly rose through the ranks from Assistant Lecturer in 1995 to full Professor in 2010. As a hardworking academic, Prof. Tabuti has so far supervised 2 PhD and10 Masters Graduates.

Prof Tabuti has published 25 referred papers, five chapters in five books and one book. He has attended over 40 conferences, seminars, workshops and symposia and presented several papers. He has also organized several national and international conferences, workshops, seminars and symposia from which over 40 reviewed papers were published in special issues of the African Journal of Ecology.

Prof Tabuti has participated in 20 research projects and consultancies supported by various national and international agencies including UNESCO, IFS, VicRes, WHO,PFARD-COMPAS Uganda Project, the Garden Club of America, International FOREAIM project, Sida-SAREC,, NUFU, NORAD and PROTA.

He is a professional member of a number of local and international organizations including International Society of Ethno biology, Association for the Taxonomy Study of the Flora of Tropical Africa [AETFAT] and Nature Uganda among others.

He has a number of fellowships and awards including the Dennis Stanfield Memorial Fund, International Foundation for Sciences [IFS], and Anne S. Catham Fellowship in Medicinal Botany among others.

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