Photos: Abaye Abaye Nkumba University fans Club

Photos: Abaye Abaye Nkumba University fans Club
Abaya Abaye fans club, an entertainment group formed by Nkumba University students
Abaya Abaye fans club, an entertainment group formed by Nkumba University students
Their design was amazing
Their design was amazing
The audience was driven into endless laughter
The audience was driven into endless laughter
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Caption this………?

This fans club locally known as Abaya Abaye fans club is known for its amazing dress code and dancing strokes.

It is a group formed by students of Commercial Industrial Art and Design of Nkumba University.

Their popularity and fame was at its heights during the University Football league games.

Besides their dress code, that does not only leave the audience in endless cheers, their dancing strokes are also interesting.

Enjoy Photos by Philimon Badagawa

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