Nkumba University in search of a cat to hunt out rats in Nnabagereka hostel

Nkumba University in search of a cat to hunt out rats in Nnabagereka hostel
Nabagereka Hostel at Nkumba University.
Nnabagereka Hostel at Nkumba University.

Nnabagereka hostel at Nkumba university that houses over 300 female students has been fighting with rats since January 2015 causing sleepless nights to the innocent girls.

Ever since the semester opened, the ‘uninvited guests‘ (Rats) have been busy enjoying and sharing goodies with these campus ladies silently but painfully.

According to the inside sources, rats have become a menace and caused serious damage. They have occupied the office and the different rooms – destroying things.

“The animals have eaten up our clothes, bread plus reading notes,” a concerned student told Campus Times.

It is also said that these rodents sought residence in the largest female hostel at Nkumba university during the 2014 November strike where students dumped edibles everywhere hence attracting the attention of rats.

In response to this attack, the Hostel administration has resorted to hunting for a domestic cat at any cost to silence and eliminate the rats which are procreating day and night.

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