Nkumba University to hold 20th Graduation Ceremony on 4th November 2017

Nkumba University to hold 20th Graduation Ceremony on 4th November 2017
Nkumba University Graduates

Nkumba University will hold the 20th Graduation Ceremony on Saturday 4th November 2017 according to information from the office of the academic registrar.

The graduation ceremony will be preceded by a commencement lecture on Wednesday 1st November 2017 at the university main campus in Entebbe.

Below are the registration procedure and requirements for the 20th Graduation ceremony.

1) Pay up ALL outstanding fees balances;

2) Fill out the Clearance Form from the Academic Registrar’s office and receive other relevant guidance;

3) Clear with the Male/Female Warden if you are a Day session student;

4) Present examination cards/ permits to the School Administrative Assistant of your respective School to process a copy of your official statement of results;

5) PhD & Masters GRADUATING CLASS to submit final soft copy of abstract and two (02) hard copies of thesis/ dissertation to the Administrative Assistant, School of Postgraduate Studies and Research;

6) Present a draft of the statement of the graded results to the Head of your Department for confirmation of marks awarded;

7) Obtain a signed statement of the graded results and attach it on to the clearance form. Please verify statement for accuracy and have any error(s) corrected at the School. The cost of correcting errors not rectified at School level shall be born by yourself. (check for Date of Birth, Order of names and your results on the provisional transcript;

8) Present library cards to the Librarian for clearance;

9) Present receipts of clearance to the Administrative Assistant (Examinations), for examination malpractice clearance;

10) Confirm presence of a clear photograph or take a fresh one at the Transcripts Office;

11) Present originals of all your Academic documents to the Academic Registrar’s Office/ (Examinations Supervisor) for verification;

12) Submit a copy of the filled in Alumni questionnaire and register with the Administrative Assistant (Alumni) in SCOS building;

13) Pay the following graduation fee as stated below;

i. Certificate 210,000/=
ii. Diploma 230,000/=
iii. Degree 280,000/=
iv. Postgraduate Diploma 290,000/=
v. Masters 300,000/=
vi. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 330,000/=

The above fees cater for the following items whose costs vary according to the award.

A) Certificate b) Transcript (c) Graduation expenses (d) Hood (e) Mortar Board (f)Graduation Literature (g) Registration for graduation (h) Journal (i) Alumni (j) Advertisement and k) Alumni literature.

14) Obtain a printout of your ledger and attach it on to the form together with all other relevant receipts before submitting the form to the Finance Department who will pass it on to the Academic Registrar’ Office.

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