Possible solutions to graduate unemployment

Possible solutions to graduate unemployment
graduation carpet
Walking on the Red carpet is good but Graduates should think of graduate unemployment.

 By By Edward Lumala

  Graduate Unemployment comes about due to a mismatch between the aspirations of graduates and the employment opportunities available. It was found that two factors are important regarding this tight spot, namely incidence and duration.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Gender, around 400,000 graduates are annually passed out to the job market to compete for about 9,000 available jobs.

The good news is that you; the fresh Graduate, can be part of the solution to Graduate Unemployment. Before the Government sets up more industries and institutions to create
more job opportunities, you can be part of the solution by taking on a multi facet approach
involving change of attitude, determination, endurance and value addition. Based on real life
experience, the writer tries to delineate some of the solutions to this problem.


Develop a positive attitude towards employment. Just appreciate the fact that work can be got from both the formal and informal sectors. No matter the size and location of the company or status of the manager and the worth of the initial package, the priority now is entering the world of work; you may start little and gradually grow big, look at sustainability and acquit ion of experience.

Believe in yourself and compete for the available opportunity. Do not be intimidated by the conviction that there are millions of job seekers competing for that job. The employers are aware of this too, but they are still looking for the best; who knows, you could be the best. Cherish those exceptional qualities within you on top of your qualifications.

Keep connected to the Alumni Association. You are now an alumnus of Nkumba University, keep in touch with this association, present your up to date telephone contacts and E mail address to the Offices. You will acquire links with people who are strategically placed in the world of work from this association. Consequently, you can get connected to a good job via the Alumni Association.

Sign up for Soft skills Development. It is important to acquire soft skills required to survive and succeed in the work market such as Kemahiran Insaniah program. This program and others will teach you how to communicate well with people, work in groups, and build self-confidence. All these elements are important in equipping you for your new job.

Remember that many people get jobs through referrals, so be ready to network with as many people as possible, at any given occasion. Statistics show that the majority of the people get their jobs through referrals. The employer will trust the employee who refers the new candidate to the company.

Acquire additional skills. Well done, you are now a bona fide graduate, an Accountant, a Lawyer, Graphic designer, Counselor, Public Administrator, Teacher, Tourism expert, et cetera; but the reality is, you a specialist in only that area. In view of the prevailing circumstances take conscious efforts to attain additional skills by taking up short courses in new areas like; Computer skills, Management skills, Report writing, Result oriented management, Project planning, and Monitoring & Evaluation. This will in turn supplement the skills you already have. Post Graduate qualifications can complement you in case you have the capacity.

Serve as a Volunteer. Lay down your self-worth and aspirations, and offer your skills free of charge to that organization of your dreams. It should be an organization that values your skills and has a patent Recruitment Policy. The strategy may work best in educational Institutions but make sure that your CGPA is sound. The secret here is to acquire the in demand working experience.

  1. Search out for the latest information on jobs broadly.  In the absence of the annual National Company’s Graduate Employer Job Profile Guide Book, you must always keep abreast with info on employment.  Read Newspapers, tune in to Radio, exploit the social media such Face book, once in awhile move to that company, and inquire from those already in employment for any available vacancies.  Never give up on the job search, remember; the coldest moment at the funeral night, is the hour right before dawn.

Target the Youth Entrepreneurship Venture Capital Fund. This was an initiative by the Government of Uganda in 2012 intended to provide the Youth with entrepreneurship skills and business management skills. It was intended to enable the youth create their own enterprises. Despite the tailbacks met in the implementation process, the scheme is still en route; you can team up and give it an apt attempt.

 Venture into Vocation. By venturing into vocation, you are adding worth to your profession thereby aligning yourself strategically for job creation. Expertise in Intensive farming, Green house gardening, modern carpentry, Metal fabrication, electrical installation and Defensive driving techniques can in effect turn you from a job seeker to a job creator if made parallel to your degree. The hidden program here is preparation for self employment.

 Export your skills abroad. On the wake of regional integration and Globalization, you are at liberty to send abroad   your skills to other countries. Take keen interest in the credibility of the Recruitment Agency and Terms of the Employment at hand. You must also investigate on the political climate of that country and ascertain whether there is no hoax in the whole scheme.


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  1. Pingback: How to stand out as a fresh graduate in Uganda | The Campus Times

  2. Pingback: How to stand out as a fresh graduate in Uganda | The Campus Times

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