Prof. Venansious Baryamureeba kicked out of Makerere University Business School Council

Prof. Venansious Baryamureeba kicked out of Makerere University Business School  Council

Prof. Venansious Baryamureeba has been ousted from the Makerere University Business School Council for allegedly trying to interfere with the renewal of Prof. Waswa Balunywa  contract  as Principal.

Mr. Isaac Ngobya,  who was the deputy Council Chairman has been promoted  as the new Chairman.

The decision to kick out the council chairman was made in a meeting held on Tuesday August 14 chaired by Prof. Sam Luboga with 24 Council members.

Also in attendance was the Defence and Veterans Affairs state minister, Col. Bright Rwamirama, Kitgum woman MP, Beatrice Anywar and Guild President Julius Ntende.

MUBS vice chancellor, Prof. Balunywa: COURTESY PHOTO

The council meeting resolved to sack the beleaguered Baryamureeba claiming that they can no longer trust his   leadership.

In May 2018, after Prof. Balunywa’s contract had expired, the former started a battle to ensure that the principal’s contract is not renewed.

However, the battle was a failure after Balunywa was reinstated following President Museveni’s directives on May 9, 2018.

“I have never found him averse to advice the few times I have interacted with him. Such a person is always good to work with,” Mr Museveni stated.

“Your actions have led to a schism within MUBS staff based on those who are said to be your supporters and the rest of the innocent staff who do not know what is taking place. It is those staff who have actually indicated to many people in the institution that you had aspirations of becoming the Principal and subsequently the Vice Chancellor. It is said, I hope it is not true, that you wanted MUBS to attain university status after I have left so that rather than being the Principal, you will be the Vice Chancellor of MUBS” Prof. Balunywa had responded to Prof. Baryamureeba’s allegations.



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