Security Administrator Job at Pride Micro Finance

Organisation :Pride Micro Finance
Position: Security Administrator
Deadline: 08/Dec/2018
Job Description
Ensure  safety  of  Pride’s  premises,  customers,  Assets  and  employees  by  monitoring  security  of  the  whole  organization.    The  Security  Administrator  reports  to  the  Administrative  Manager.

1.  Propose,  implement  and  maintain  contingency  plans  for  all  security  threats  and  other  emergency  situations  that  are  likely  to  affect  business  of  Pride  Microfinance  Ltd  (MDI).
2.  Undertake  security  procedure  checks  to  ensure  compliance  with  regards  to  building  security  policy  and  standards,  fire  systems,  fire  prevention,  access  control,  closed  circuit  television  and  emergency  procedures.
3.  Provide  technical  advise  on  requirements  and  specifications  for  existing  and/or  new  building  systems  including  access  control,  intruder  alarms,  fire  or  smoke  detection  systems,  closed  circuit  television  and  contract  guards.
4.  Co-ordinate  implementation  of  security–training  programs,  and  manage  the  performance  and  development  of  security  officer  in  line  with  policy.
5.  Develop,  implement  and  manage  security  and  fire  safety  plans  and  standards  at  designated  sites,  Head  office,  branches  and  contact  offices.
6.  Carry  out  security  risk  assessments  and  review  programmes,  ensuring  timely  identification  of  threats.
7.  Prepare  annual  work  plans  and  budgets  for  security  section  at  Head  office  and  branches.
8.  Develop  and  implement  BCP  measures  for  Pride  should  a  major  incident  impact  upon  critical  operations.
9.  Develop  and  implement  a  systematic  approach  on  fraud  and  other  investigations  through  an  intelligent  process,  interviewing  people,  fact  finding  analysis  and  unbiased  assessment  of  the  outcome  produced  in  a  full  investigation  report.
10.  Liaising  with  Internal  Audit  or  Risk  Department  during  investigations  and  ensuring  that  investigations  are  conducted  in  all  fraudulent  activities.
11.  Ensure  that  all  Pride  staff,  premises  and  Assets  are  secure  at  all  times.
12.  Propose  and  implement  security  measures  and  liase  with  key  stakeholders,  security  agencies.
13.  Supervise  the  internal  CID  and  support  Legal  and  represent  Pride  where  necessary  incase  of  litigations.


Minimum  Academic  Qualifications  and  Experience:
•  The  applicant  should  possess  at  least  a  degree  from  a  recognized  institution.    Certificate  in  law  will  be  an  added  advantage.
•  Should  posses  professional  training  and  experience  in  the  security  forces  (e.g.  Police,  Prisons  or  Army).
•  Should  have  a  clean  record  and  discharge  certificate  with  a  working  experience  of  at  least  3  years.

Person  Specifications:
•  Should  be  able  to  carry  out  independent  investigations.
•  Should  posses  a  clean  driving  permit.
•  Should  be  a  team  player,  well  organized  with  developed  interpersonal  and  communication  skills.
•  Should  be  aged  between  30  –  45  years.

Competencies  &  Knowledge:
•  Security  Management  skills.
•  Communication  skills
•  Analytical  skills
•  Inter  personal  skills
•  Customer  awareness  skills
•  Investigation  and  Report  writing  skill

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