Smart Phones and Vehicles Top the List of Most Stolen Items in Kampala

Smart Phones and Vehicles Top the List of Most Stolen Items in Kampala

Smart phones and Vehicles Are the Most Commonly Stolen Items in Kampala as per the Annual Crime Report 2022 by the Uganda Police Force

This came in after the Uganda Police Force released the annual police crime 2022 yesterday, indicating smart phones and vehicles are the most common stolen items

In Kampala alone, a specific number of 1,280 smart phones were stolen from various individuals, indicating that mobile phones are among the electronics that are frequently stolen from people on a daily basis

As per the annual crime report of 2022, information regarding smart phone theft in Kampala was obtained from major police stations located in the city. These stations included Central Police Station (CPS), Wandegya Police, Kira Road, Jinja Road, Old Kampala, Katwe police station, and Kawempe police station.

On page 30 of the report, 268 smartphone theft cases were reported at Old Kampala, Katwe registered 243, Central Police Station (189), Kawempe Police station (169), Kabalagala police (158), Jinja Road Police station (148), Kira Road Police station (138) and Wandegeya (136).

Smart Phones
Martin Okoth Ochola.

Motor vehicle theft in 2022 saw an increase in the number, Specifically, 1,091 cases were reported to the police in that year, compared to 942 cases that were reported in 2021. This represents a 15.8% increase in the number of reported motor vehicle theft cases in the year 2022.

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A total of 2,656 Motor Vehicles were reported stolen in Kampala alone, out of which, 1,687 were recovered, 141 were found abandoned, and 827 were not recovered

A statement made by The Inspector General of Police stated that the 2022 crime report serves as a means of accountability to the public regarding how the Uganda Police Force is carrying out its duties as outlined in Article 212 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda.

I urge all Ugandans to continue the fight against crime for a safer Uganda. As we release the Police Annual Crime Report for 2022, we want to assure the public that in 2023, the focus will be to remodel our process to support the Sub county Policing model, welfare enhancement and digitalisation of our processes for enhanced law and order,

he said

Report 2022 indicates that the crime rate has gone up by 18%.

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