Nkumba university freshers' ball

Nkumba university freshers' ball

Nkumba university is really a home away from home, a fresher amazingly said during the freshers’ ball. Freshers were served a VIP dinner almost similar to the one that Stephen Kiprotich received at state house after winning a second gold medal. Besides the good food and cool breeze at Kitinda resort beach where the freshers’ […]

Some students almost walked naked at the fashion exhibition

The fashion exhibition at Nkumba University by textile and design students went beyond fashion, others students also exhibited their goodies. Some students almost walked naked in the form of exhibiting their latest designs. The exhibition is organized to showcase the works of students. Designs exhibited included creative wear, causal, office wear, wedding gowns among others.

Fashion exhibition by Nkumba university students

Nkumba university students of textiles and design are showcasing some of their works at the fashion exhibition. The fashion exhibition is organized annually by the the school of Commercial, Industrial Art and Design (SCIAD) for students in their final year. The Exhibition is still going on at the school today 23rd Aug 2013.

Thousands attend Nkumba university street bash

Nkumba University students were driven crazy at the first street bash as young, upcoming and cerebrated artists entertained students who enjoyed club beer. The street bash that seemingly looked as a flop due to power shortages and unexpected blackouts at the start, later gained momentum as freshers rushed to attend the bash. It was discovered […]

Nkumba university Vice Chancellor blesses trade bazaar

Prof. Hannington Sengendo, Nkumba university Vice Chancellor has officially opened the trade bazaar at Nkumba. The trade bazaar has been organized by Nkumba university Guild leaders. The Bazaar stated on 5th August, a day when new students started reporting. The Guild Minister in charge of the bazaar says many companies have brought their products nearer […]

Nkumba university students did you know?

That Entebbe is full of recreation centres and some loaded gents use Nabagereka hall as their greatest and cheapest shopping mall rather than S&S super market. I will not comment about Kibaati, just after  travelers bar in Abaita because that will be a story for another day. But how about Tirupati boys using chapatti instead […]