The hustle of working students


Mountains of the moon university (MMU) has a number of working students who juggle work and studies which is challenging.

According to Haddijah Nansamba A lecturer at mountains of the moon university,15% of the total students population work as they are studying population work as they are studying.

According to Kyahura Joseph AKA Kasoro the international shoe designer and a student at MMU pursuing bachelors of education in arts, shoe repairing business has helped him survive while at university.

Below is a video of Joseph doing

Kasoro is not only the working student at the university. Businge Jackob a first year student pursuing bachelors’ degree in tourism travel and hospitality is also working while studying

“I work at construction sites as a porter but it is a tiring job. Usually I leave so tired and still have to attend lectures, do coursework, research and tests and all require my attention,” he explains.

He says all require balancing which is challenging since all are important to him.

Below is a video of jackob at his work place

Mwesige Edgar who works with city builders consultant  is a site manager where we met jackob also commented on the students who do casual work

Haddijah nansamba, head of department, school or arts and social sciences who is conversant with the performance of working students and the challenges they face says so far the performance of the working students is relatively good.

Tips on how students can balance work and studies

  • Develop a plan of attack. …
  • Take advantage of workplace flexibility. …
  • Capitalize on school flexibility too. …
  • Prioritize. …
  • Schedule proactively. …
  • Work smarter, not harder. …
  • Avoid time wasters. …
  • Manage stress levels.

According to Diana kyaligonza the public relations officer at mountains of the moon university narrated to us how working students can balance education with work

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