When are freshers & continuing students reporting?…here are the answers

When are freshers & continuing students reporting?…here are the answers
Freshers at Gulu University during an orientation process 2015/2016 academic year.
Freshers at Gulu University during an orientation process 2015/2016 academic year.

New students at Makerere University are to report on 22nd August 2015 while continuing students on 24th August.

Kampala International University: The official opening date for the new semester (August – December 2015) is August 14th.

Gulu University: 15TH August for continuing students.

Kyambogo University: New students report on 22nd August while continuing students report for studies on 29th August 2015.

Busitema University: Both new students and continuing students report on Monday 17th August 2015

African Rural University: New students report on Sunday 30th  August 2015

Uganda Martyrs University: Continuing students report on 16th August 2015

Makerere University Business School (MUBS) reporting date is August 15th 2015 and Lectures commence on August 24th 2015

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