Kayihura orders deployment of Police dogs at Makerere University

Kayihura orders deployment of Police dogs at Makerere University
Makerere university Main Building
Makerere university Main Building

Police boss,  Gen Kale Kayihura on Friday tasked his Canine Section to deploy Police dogs and other security measures around Makerere University.

In a bid to boost the University security, Bala David Bwiruka,  the Makerere University Guild President,  asked Police to provide more deployment at the institution in all ways possible.  This was during the after Garissa March address by Police Boss Kale Kayihura.

In response,  Kayihura first laughed off the situation at Makerere University before finally agreeing to help.
“It’s a shame the University (Faculty of Technology) doesn’t have CCTV yet their is a primary school in Mukono with CCTV, ” said Kayihura.

” This time am serious,  we do things and we never fulfill them, “

Kale Kayihura joined Makerere university students
Kale Kayihura joined Makerere university students

He immediately ordered Dr. Mugume the Canine Unit head to deploy dogs. He further asked the counter terrorism unit to give the University way-throughs and build police booths around the University.

Responding to police orders,  Odur Derrick,  the Guild Prime Minister appreciated the new strategy.

“In the event that we under terror attacks, several robberies and rape around campus, I believe these dogs will help track, search, protect life and property.” He said.

Matunda Sam,  a third year Petroleum Student believes the use of dogs shall help scare away possible terrorists.

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