People Power Influence: How Julius Kateregga won Makerere Guild Elections

People Power Influence: How Julius Kateregga won Makerere Guild Elections
Image result for Julius Kateregga
People Power contenders from left: Julius Katerega, William Mukisa and David Musiri: COURTESY PHOTO

People Power has yet manifested its effect in Uganda Universities when Julius Kateregga, a people power Guild contender won the Makerere University 85th guild seat.

In a competitive race of 10 candidates, Kateregga scooped 3,922 votes beating his major competitor, Joshua William Mukisa who garnered 3,365 of the total valid votes cast.

David Musiri, another People Power candidate scored 637 votes.

Andrew Julian Taliwaku, the National Resistance Movement – NRM party leaning candidate  came third with 1,465 votes.

Forum for Democratic Change – FDC candidate Milly Namuddu polled 1,298 while the official NRM flag bearer Osbert Alinda scored 55 votes out of all votes cast.

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Julius Kateregga with People Power founder, Robert Kyagulanyi Sentamu aka BobiWine: COURTESY PHOTO

  How Kateregga gained support

Julius Kateregga won the  Uganda Young Democrats(UYD) primaries as the flag bearer beating over his rival Mukisa Joshua.

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Julius Kateregga celebrates Victory after being declared 85th Makerere guild president: COURTESY PHOTO

Just a week to the polls, the  UYD candidate, Kateregga set up a strategy to get the best position in the guild race.

Knowing the People Power influence, the now Makerere Guild president aligned with the Kyaddondo East MP, Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine party ideology.
This included dressing up in in red overalls, berets and red ribbons which are major symbols of the People Power group.

To strengthen his strategy, Kateregga invited Eddy Yawe, a brother to Bobi Wine who is the mastermind of the People Power Community. This put him at every Makerere University student mouth tip.

Julius Kateregga is a 2nd-year student of Bachelor of Arts with Education and replaces Papa Salim Were.


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