
Urinary Tract Infections are caused by microbes such as bacteria overcoming the body’s defenses in the urinary tract. They can affect the kidneys, bladder, and the tubes that run between them.

The urinary tract can be divided into the upper urinary tract and the lower urinary tract. The upper urinary tract consists of the kidneys and the ureters, and the lower urinary tract consists of the bladder and the urethra.

They are one of the most common types of infection and according to the world wide statistics; around 8.1 million people pay visits to a doctor every year to seek for treatment.

Kobugabe Priscilla is one of the victims who suffered with the UTI infections; she says that she used to experience pain in the lower abdomen and pain when urinating.

However Priscilla is not the only one, Natuhwera Evelyn, a student of 1st year at mountains of the moon university also says that it has not been easy treating the disease. She further says that she used to bath multiple times in a single day until when she sought for treatment, and urged her fellow students not to be reluctant to seeking for treatment.

However from the reports got from the school nurse, she says that she normally records minimum cases of UTIs that ranges from 10-25%  not because they are not there, but students fear to report such diseases.




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